Trade Show Setups: Characteristics and Functions

Feb 3, 2022

Trade show setups

Trade events are a crucial moment for participating companies: the days dedicated to the event are just the tip of the iceberg. Behind them lies a long period of planning, which is why it’s advisable to refer to industry experts. Managing exhibition spaces is an important aspect to focus on in order to make participation effective for the company. Let’s look at the characteristics and functions of trade show setups. allestimenti fieristici.

The function of a trade show setup

The primary objective of participating in trade fairs is to present your products or services to a large number of people. These individuals are often genuinely interested in the event, and sometimes they are industry experts with very high expectations. This is why the stand receives the most attention during the pre-fair planning phase. A marketing tool, stands are used at trade shows to attract new customers among visitors and to consolidate the company’s image in front of competitors. Therefore, it is essential to make the right decisions regarding trade show setups during the initial design phases. Exhibition spaces offer the opportunity to engage visitors with immersive experiences in the company context, so careful planning is essential.

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What is the goal?

A trade show setup should be thought of as a space where the company’s vision and mission are expressed. These are represented by the stand’s structure, colors, elements, and the customer experience offered to visitors. For these reasons, the primary goal of trade show setups is to offer the fullest expression of the company’s concept and, of course, to attract the highest number of people. It’s clear, then, that for a stand to meet the company’s objectives, it’s important to focus on brand identity. Including clear indicators of an established company identity is the right path to attract, motivate, and engage potential new customers, adding value to the brand itself.

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Who can notice you at trade shows?

Participating in trade fairs is a great opportunity. On these occasions, in addition to promoting your brand or service, you can be noticed by three important groups:

  • Competitors: Many competitors participate in a trade fair alongside your company. This provides an opportunity to understand the points of difference and helps you strategize on aspects that can improve your market position.
  • New customers: In general, trade fair visitors are people interested in the industry, including potential new customers. Engaging every person who stops by your stand is a method to expand your clientele.
  • Industry experts: Journalists, suppliers, and buyers are all professionals who work with or interact daily with the activities in the industry. Making a good impression on experts is definitely an important aspect.

It’s clear that to ensure that competitors, industry experts, and new customers notice your stand, the project must be executed as planned. Establishing a budget, adhering to the design, and meeting deadlines are effective solutions to avoid last-minute issues.

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An essential element for creating setups: Creativity

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, trade shows have undergone a total renewal in recent years. Companies have been forced to use their creativity to develop effective strategies for participating in new types of events, such as digital trade shows. While real exhibitions have recently reopened, it’s advisable not to abandon the wave of creativity. Coming up with new ideas for trade show stands is a stimulating activity for companies and can have significant benefits: remember that visitors need to be attracted, engaged, and satisfied in order to become potential customers. Therefore, giving an original touch to the design of stands or the setup of products or services can be useful for achieving success.

Do you have more questions about trade show setups? Contact us

At Prezioso Leonardo, we’ve been operating in the trade show setup sector since 1970, and we’re available to answer any questions you may have regarding trade shows, stands, and setups. All the expertise and experience of our team are at your disposal to create tailor-made projects for each client. You can find us in Novate Milanese (MI). We create setups for stands, trade shows, events, and exhibitions worldwide, with design and quality Made in Italy by Prezioso Leonardo.

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